The European Universities Consortium (EUC) is a group of eight universities found throughout Europe. Member universities collaborate on recruitment initiatives, traveling around the world together to speak directly with students and educators about study opportunities in Europe. Universities in the consortium offer programs taught entirely in English, have high standings in international rankings, promote diversity in their student bodies, and are fully accredited. All EUC members are part of the main international recruitment associations, CIS (www.cois.org) and IACAC (www.internationalacac.org) where the consortium plays an important role in presentations and networking.
The European Universities Consortium (EUC)
Bocconi University (Italy)
Brussels School of Governance (Belgium)
École Hotelière de Lausanne (Switzerland)
IE University (Spain)
Constructor University (Germany)
KIT Carl Benz School (Germany)
Modul University (Austria)
Trinity College Dublin (Ireland)
Limited seats!
The first 20 students who enroll in the activity will be taken to the event.