you always get the best guidance!

you always get the right guidance!

Our Courses
We are very happy to introduce many dynamic courses which includes many new and great features happy to …
- Better designed programs for you
- Online Availability to sources
- Helping Board in your learning management
Our Teachers
We have got some best teachers available in town who can help you to polish your skills as much as you can …
- Better designed programs for you
- Online Availability to sources
- Helping Board in your learning management
Admission Proccess
We are happy to tell you that we are accepting new addmissions for new batch so dont delay get …
- Find a course best suits your skills
- Attent the seminar related to that course
- Helping Board in your learning management

Welcome to Webful Education!
We Are Eager To Give You Best Education And Style.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam feugiat mauris quis volutpat fermentum. Nunc nec nisi vitae ipsum pharetra tincidunt. Nam vel purus dolor. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec laoreet iaculis elementum. Aliquam ligula nisi, molestie faucibus tortor quis, vulputate imperdiet turpis. In iaculis arcu et aliquam dapibus. Nulla facilisi.
Nunc pellentesque euismod felis id posuere. Nunc maximus aliquet varius. Cras ornare tristique est vel porttitor. Fusce tempor, augue sagittis congue ornare, tortor augue elementum augue, quis egestas nisi ipsum eget urna. Suspendisse vitae lectus quis turpis dapibus euismod eget a metus. Nulla eget nunc purus. Ut egestas et nulla at pretium. Pellentesque sed varius lectus.
Find Best Course For Yourself!
- Career Counselling
- Academic coaching
- Exam preparation
- Trips
- University admission
- Volunteer
- Psychology
- Olimpiade și servicii
- Olympiads and Services
- Personal Assessments
- Internship
- Evaluarea Personală
- High School
- Middle School
- Lumina Evaluarea Personală
- Meta Career
- Lumina Gimnaziu
- Lumina Liceu
- Character
- Turkish
- Career Evaluation
Career Counselling for High Schools (Grades 9-12/13)
High School Career Counselling from 8th Class to University: Get the Right Guidance for a Successful Future At Meta
Register Yourself!Making a perfect career planning
Our educational experts help you choose a suitable academic destination, provide you with a list of the best
Register Yourself!Career Counselling for Middle Schools (Grades 5-8)
Career counselling for middle schools (grades 5-8) involves providing students with guidance and support to explore
Register Yourself!Professional Certification Programs
The Career Counsellor training program is renowned for its success in nurturing individuals from diverse
Register Yourself!Smart Goals Setting
The SMART Goals Setting Assessment evaluates an individual’s ability to set and articulate clear, actionable
Register Yourself!Academic Coaching and Support
Start Your Academic Support and Success Top universities require the best academic background, and being partners
Register Yourself!Secret to Academic Success
Students know the importance of performing well in school. But they don’t know what to do or where to start. Most
Register Yourself!Time Management Coaching
Students or adults have to know the value of time and use it efficiently in order to be successful in all areas of
Register Yourself!Smart Goals Setting
The SMART Goals Setting Assessment evaluates an individual’s ability to set and articulate clear, actionable
Register Yourself!Premium SAT Preparation
Premium Sat Preparation and Digital SAT Practice Test Get 1550/1600 and then get into 8 Ivy Leagues and others! The
Register Yourself!IELTS Exam Preparation
What is IELTS? The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is designed to help you work, study or
Register Yourself!TOEFL Exam Preparation
What is TOEFL? The TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) is a standardized academic English test primarily
Register Yourself!IMAT Online Course
International Medical Admissions Test (IMAT) The International Medical Admissions Test (IMAT) is a subject-specific
Register Yourself!Educational Trips & Camps
Educational trips and camps are an excellent way to provide children and young adults with new learning
Register Yourself!Top University Trips
Visiting top universities like MIT, Harvard, Oxford, and others can be an incredible opportunity to see some of the
Register Yourself!NASA Trips and Camps
NASA visiting tours and summer/winter camps can be an exciting way to learn about space exploration, science, and
Register Yourself!Study Abroad Services
Studying abroad may seem like a very daunting experience. But fear not: if you keep your wits about you, then this
Register Yourself!Admission Assistance
Want to study abroad in the UK, USA, CANADA, AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND? Get expert advice and information on colleges
Register Yourself!Scholarship Assistance
Supporting scholarships gives chances to study at top universities and your dreams come true. Universities offer
Register Yourself!Personal Essay Help?
Personal statement or motivational essay University/College admissions` statement/essay is the most important
Register Yourself!Essay Tips & Writing Tool
The Personal Essay Writing Tool sounds like a comprehensive and valuable resource for crafting compelling and
Register Yourself!Interview Guidance
Meta provides a variety of interview guidance services to help students & candidates prepare for their
Register Yourself!Engineering Certificate Program
The Engineering Certificate Program (ECP) is a comprehensive program that aims to equip students with practical
Register Yourself!Volunteer Abroad Program
Meta Career’s Volunteer Abroad service is designed to connect individuals with meaningful volunteer
Register Yourself!Meta Career Ambassador Program
Meta Career Ambassador Program is targeting high school students, university youth, influencers in study abroad,
Register Yourself!Now Offers Psychology Services
Meta Career is now offering psychology services to help students and employees with their mental health and
Register Yourself!Coaching și Sprijinul Academic
Cele mai bune universități necesită cea mai bună pregătire academică. În calitate de parteneri cu universitățile de
Register Yourself!Secretul Succesului Academic
Elevii știu cât de important este să aibă rezultate bune la școală. Dar nu știu ce să facă sau de unde să înceapă.
Register Yourself!Coaching pentru Managementul Timpului
Elevii sau adulții trebuie să cunoască valoarea timpului și să îl folosească eficient pentru a avea succes în toate
Register Yourself!Consiliere în carieră pentru școlile gimnaziale (clasele 5-8)
Consilierea în carieră pentru școlile gimnaziale (clasele 5-8) presupune oferirea de îndrumare și sprijin elevilor
Register Yourself!Consiliere în carieră pentru licee (clasele 9-12)
Consiliere în carieră în liceu din clasa a 9-a până la universitate: Obțineți îndrumarea potrivită pentru un viitor
Register Yourself!Planificarea carierei tale personale
Experții noștri educaționali vă ajută să alegeți o destinație academică potrivită, vă oferă o listă cu cele mai
Register Yourself!Programul de certificare profesională
Programul de formare a consilierilor de carieră este renumit pentru succesul său de a transforma persoane din medii
Register Yourself!Formular de feedback pentru atelierul de consiliere în carieră
Apreciem feedback-ul dvs. și am aprecia dacă ați acorda câteva minute pentru a vă împărtăși părerile despre
Register Yourself!Servicii de Consiliere
Meta Career oferă acum servicii de psihologie pentru a ajuta studenții și angajații în ceea ce privește sănătatea
Register Yourself!Servicii de Studii în Străinătate
Servicii de studii în străinătate Studiile în străinătate reprezintă o experiență foarte descurajantă. Dar nu vă
Register Yourself!Asistență pentru Admitere
Doriți să studiați în străinătate în Marea Britanie, SUA, CANADA, AUSTRALIA, NOUA ZEELANDĂ? Obțineți sfaturi și
Register Yourself!Asistență pentru Burse de Studiu
Sprijinirea bursei de studiu îți permite să studiezi la universități de top și să îți îndeplinești visele.
Register Yourself!Ajutor pentru Eseul Personal?
Declarație personală sau eseu motivațional Declarația/eseul de admitere la universitate/colegiu este cel mai
Register Yourself!Instrumentul de Scriere a Eseurilor
Instrumentul de redactare a eseurilor personale este o resursă cuprinzătoare și valoroasă pentru elaborarea de
Register Yourself!Îndrumare pentru interviuri
Meta oferă diverse servicii de orientare pentru interviuri pentru a ajuta studenții și candidații să se pregătească
Register Yourself!Vilipo
Olimpiada Internațională de Proiecte de la Vilnius (VILIPO) este o competiție globală pentru elevii cu vârste
Register Yourself!Copernicus
Olimpiada Copernicus este o competiție internațională menită să stimuleze excelența academică în rândul elevilor
Register Yourself!Servicii on-line
Scopul principal al serviciilor și olimpiadelor este ca elevii să concureze cu alți elevi la un nivel educațional
Register Yourself!TeenEagle
TeenEagle English Competition este un concurs internațional de competențe lingvistice în limba engleză pentru
Register Yourself!Iwise
International World Innovative Student Expo (IWISE) oferă diferite categorii pentru ca studenții să își prezinte
Register Yourself!Young Master
Young Master Challenge este o competiție educațională concepută pentru a pune la încercare și pentru a prezenta
Register Yourself!Internship la Meta Career
Meta Career oferă oportunități de internship atât la nivel local, cât și în străinătate. Acest lucru le poate oferi
Register Yourself!Internship În străinătate
Serviciul Meta Career Internship Abroad! Suntem încântați să vă oferim oportunități interesante de a dobândi o
Register Yourself!Voluntariat în Străinătate
Serviciul de voluntariat în străinătate al Meta Career este conceput pentru a pune în legătură persoanele cu
Register Yourself!Excursii și Tabere Educative
Excursiile și taberele educaționale sunt o modalitate excelentă de a le oferi copiilor și tinerilor adulți noi
Register Yourself!Excursii de Top la Universitate
Vizitarea unor universități de top, precum MIT, Harvard, Oxford și altele, poate fi o oportunitate incredibilă de a
Register Yourself!Excursii și Tabere la NASA
Vizitele NASA și taberele de vară/iarnă pot fi o modalitate interesantă de a învăța despre explorarea spațiului,
Register Yourself!Pregătire Premium Pentru SAT
Pregătirea Premium Sat și testul de practică digitală SAT Ia 1550/1600 și apoi intră în 8 Ivy Leagues și
Register Yourself!Pregătirea IELTS
Ce este IELTS? Sistemul Internațional de Testare a Limbii Engleze (IELTS) este conceput pentru a vă ajuta să
Register Yourself!Pregătirea TOEFL
Ce este TOEFL? TOEFL (Testul de Limbă Engleză ca Limbă Străină) este un test academic standardizat în limba
Register Yourself!Curs Online IMAT
Ce este IMAT? Testul Internațional de Admitere Medicală (IMAT) este un test de admitere specific subiectului,
Register Yourself!Online Services & Competitions
The main aim of services and Olympiads is for students to compete with other students on a similar educational
Register Yourself!Online Advanced Placement
Advanced Placement (AP) courses Advanced Placement (AP) courses are an excellent opportunity for high school
Register Yourself!Vilipo
The Vilnius International Project Olympiad (VILIPO) is a global competition for students aged 12-19, focusing on
Register Yourself!Copernicus
The Copernicus Olympiad is an international competition to foster academic excellence among students from grades 3
Register Yourself!TeenEagle
The TeenEagle English Competition is an international English language skills competition for students aged 8-18.
Register Yourself!Iwise
The International World Innovative Student Expo (IWISE) offers various categories for students to showcase their
Register Yourself!Personal Assessments and Career Test
Don`t you know your potential? Here is a solution… Take a Career Assessment online! It only takes 22-25 minutes!
Register Yourself!The 16 Personality Types (MBTI)
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a personality assessment tool that categorizes individuals into one of 16
Register Yourself!AI Career Planner
Discover Your Future with the Metacareer AI Career Planner! Ready to explore your future career? Our AI Career
Register Yourself!AI Acronym Generator
Looking for an Easy Way to Generate Acronyms? Try our AI Acronym Generator today and streamline your workflow!
Register Yourself!Internship at Meta Career
Meta Career offers internship opportunities both locally and abroad. This can provide students with a wide range of
Register Yourself!Internship Abroad
Meta Career Internship Abroad Service! We are thrilled to provide you with exciting opportunities to gain valuable
Register Yourself!Evaluări Personale și Test de Carieră
Nu știi care este potențialul tău? Iată o soluție… Participă la o Evaluare a Carierii online! Durează doar 22-25 de
Register Yourself!16 tipuri de personalitate (MBTI)
Indicatorul de tip Myers-Briggs (MBTI) este un instrument de evaluare a personalității care clasifică persoanele
Register Yourself!AI Identifică-te/Descoperă-te!
Testul „Identifică-te/Descoperă-te” te ajută să explorezi și să înțelegi trăsăturile, punctele forte și
Register Yourself!AI MBTI
Ai MBTI (Indicatorul de Tipologie Myers-Briggs) este un instrument de evaluare a personalității care categorizează
Register Yourself!Acronime AI
Căutați o modalitate ușoară de a genera acronime? Încercați astăzi Generatorul nostru de acronime AI și
Register Yourself!AI High School Search Tool
AI School & High School Search Tool Discover the perfect school or high school for your educational journey
Register Yourself!Lumina 16 tipuri de personalitate (MBTI)
Indicatorul de tip Myers-Briggs (MBTI) este un instrument de evaluare a personalității care clasifică persoanele
Register Yourself!Smart Goals Setting
The SMART Goals Setting Assessment evaluates an individual’s ability to set and articulate clear, actionable
Register Yourself!Career Counselling for Middle Schools (Grades 5-8)
Career counselling for middle schools (grades 5-8) involves providing students with guidance and support to explore
Register Yourself!AI High School Search Tool
AI School & High School Search Tool Discover the perfect school or high school for your educational journey
Register Yourself!Lumina 16 tipuri de personalitate (MBTI)
Indicatorul de tip Myers-Briggs (MBTI) este un instrument de evaluare a personalității care clasifică persoanele
Register Yourself!Lumina 16 tipuri de personalitate (MBTI)
Indicatorul de tip Myers-Briggs (MBTI) este un instrument de evaluare a personalității care clasifică persoanele
Register Yourself!AI Career Planner
Discover Your Future with the Metacareer AI Career Planner! Ready to explore your future career? Our AI Career
Register Yourself!Acronime AI
Căutați o modalitate ușoară de a genera acronime? Încercați astăzi Generatorul nostru de acronime AI și
Register Yourself!Meta Career School Services
Meta Career School Services offers a comprehensive range of career and academic coaching services to support
Register Yourself!AI High School Search Tool
AI School & High School Search Tool Discover the perfect school or high school for your educational journey
Register Yourself!AI LOR Writing Tool
This tool is designed to assist your college counsellor and teachers write a comprehensive and personalized
Register Yourself!AI-powered job insights
Your Personalized Career Guide Discover the power of AI to unlock detailed career insights tailored to your
Register Yourself!AI Career Planner
Discover Your Future with the Metacareer AI Career Planner! Ready to explore your future career? Our AI Career
Register Yourself!Acronime AI
Căutați o modalitate ușoară de a genera acronime? Încercați astăzi Generatorul nostru de acronime AI și
Register Yourself!Meta Career School Services
Meta Career School Services offers a comprehensive range of career and academic coaching services to support
Register Yourself!Lumina AI Identifică-te/Descoperă-te!
Testul „Identifică-te/Descoperă-te” te ajută să explorezi și să înțelegi trăsăturile, punctele forte și
Register Yourself!AI High School Search Tool
AI School & High School Search Tool Discover the perfect school or high school for your educational journey
Register Yourself!AI-powered job insights
Your Personalized Career Guide Discover the power of AI to unlock detailed career insights tailored to your
Register Yourself!Professional Certification Programs
The Career Counsellor training program is renowned for its success in nurturing individuals from diverse
Register Yourself!The 16 Personality Types (MBTI)
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a personality assessment tool that categorizes individuals into one of 16
Register Yourself!AI MBTI
Ai MBTI (Indicatorul de Tipologie Myers-Briggs) este un instrument de evaluare a personalității care categorizează
Register Yourself!Meta Career School Services
Meta Career School Services offers a comprehensive range of career and academic coaching services to support
Register Yourself!AI LOR Writing Tool
This tool is designed to assist your college counsellor and teachers write a comprehensive and personalized
Register Yourself!AI-powered job insights
Your Personalized Career Guide Discover the power of AI to unlock detailed career insights tailored to your
Register Yourself!Rosenberg Self-Esteem Assessment
The following questionnaire aims to give you an indication of your level of self-esteem. Carefully read each
Register Yourself!Communication Skills Assessment
Effective communication is essential in building relationships and resolving conflicts. This survey is designed to
Register Yourself!Leadership Skills Assessment
This Leadership Skills Assessment Report evaluates your leadership abilities, focusing on critical competencies
Register Yourself!Finance Management Assessment
Why Learn Finance Management? Understanding and managing your finances is an essential life skill for a student.
Register Yourself!Responsibility Skills Assessment
A Responsibility Assessment evaluates an individual’s capacity to handle obligations, make decisions, and
Register Yourself!Smart Goals Setting
The SMART Goals Setting Assessment evaluates an individual’s ability to set and articulate clear, actionable
Register Yourself!Essay Tips & Writing Tool
The Personal Essay Writing Tool sounds like a comprehensive and valuable resource for crafting compelling and
Register Yourself!AI Acronym Generator
Looking for an Easy Way to Generate Acronyms? Try our AI Acronym Generator today and streamline your workflow!
Register Yourself!AI High School Search Tool
AI School & High School Search Tool Discover the perfect school or high school for your educational journey
Register Yourself!AI LOR Writing Tool
This tool is designed to assist your college counsellor and teachers write a comprehensive and personalized
Register Yourself!AI-powered job insights
Your Personalized Career Guide Discover the power of AI to unlock detailed career insights tailored to your
Register Yourself!UPCOMING EVENTS
Our Upcoming Seminars/Events Dont Miss Out!
IVY League
Study at Harvard University Get Full Scholarships Metacareer hosted a
Time: 17:00 - 18:00
Date: March 26, 2022
Int`l Courses
High school admissions aged 14-18 in UK, USA, and AUSTRALIA Online and
Time: 17:00 - 18:00
Date: October 15, 2022
Educational Trips
An educational trip offers an opportunity for a rich immersion
Time: 17:00 - 18:00
Date: September 17, 2022
If you Have Any Questions Call Us On +40-770-426-464
Meta Career
offers school career counselling, academic coaching and education consultancy services to broaden students’ options in the future.
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Strada Caimatei 20, Bucharest.